I had a great idea after Superwoman posted 100 things about her and her family that I would do the same at my 50th post, because I don't blog as much as her 50 was pretty reasonable. What I didn't realize on my last post is that it was the 50th post so I will do it on this one. Enjoy!
1. I have 7 nieces 5 of them are red heads.
2. I met Karl 4 years before we got married. Poor Karl.
3. The farthest east I have been is Branson, Missouri.
4. I wanted, when I was little, to marry a twin and have two sets of twins, so I would only have to be pregnant twice.
5. I love to do pottery, but it is expensive.
6. My first friend when I moved to Washington, in second grade, was Amber Baird.
7. I loved being in Oklahoma but I am terrified of tornados so I will not live there.
8. I love the feeling of complete relaxation right before I fall asleep.
9. My first phone number that I remember is 276-1444.
10. I only had my first cell phone for two weeks, then I cancelled it because I decided to go on a mission.
11.I will forever be teased by this by my sisters, but my first boyfriends name was Bo-Bo.
12. I love Pendleton Oregon.
13. I like cats and frogs but you will not catch me wearing apparel with animals on them.
14. Rascal Flatts is my favorite country singing group.
15. I want to be more organized but I feel lost getting there.
16. I love football when nascar is on but I will not ever miss nascar. (Sorry Superwoman)
17. I love being in nature.
18. I love waking up when the snow has just fallen and no one has messed it up.
19. I have eaten menudo.
20. I love Dr Pepper.
21. I love being a mom, its the only job I want to have, where I don't get paid in monies.
22. I don't like nuts in brownies or banana bread.
23. If I could have a piece of chocolate, big or small everymeal I would.
24. I have been to see Savage Garden, Rascal Flatts, Toby Keith, Bill Engvall and Kenny Chesney in concert, 3 out of five were with Superwoman.
25. My favorite childrens movie was Mary Poppins, I used to have the record and I would play it and dance in my room to it.
26. I have always wanted to know, not just meet, but know my fathers mother. She fasinates me.
27. I am proud of the fact that I can budget pretty good. Just need more money to budget.
28. I don't like to leave Tyler with other people because I always feel like I am going to miss out on something awesome happening.
29. I am the second of five in my family.
30. I turn 30 this year.
31. I like strawberries and I like bananas but I do not like them combined.
32. I am most comfortable in sweat pants and a t-shirt.
33. I have a scar on my forehead from when I had spinal menongitis when I was a baby.
34. I cannot fall asleep in a car.
35. My grandma is a wonderful painter, if I could decorate my whole house in her paintings I would.
36. I am scared of being alone.
37. I always know what I want to spend my money on when I don't have it, but when I do have it I forget.
38. I drove a moped when I was little up a tree stump and got stuck.
39. Karl and I fight over who's turn it is to cook not because we don't want to but because we do.
40. When I was little my heros were Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite, not the new version.
41. My nickname in 4th grade was caves, it was when I learned the ability to flare my nostrils.
42. I have a secret handshake with my brothers.
43. The snow falls best when I do the snowflake dance.
44. I was born in the same hospital as my brother Louie, they tore it down afterwards. No more Peterson's could be born there :(
45. I broke my toe, or just severely sprained it, on my mission while playing soccer.
46. My feet are huge, I have to wear mens shoes to be comfortable.
47. I don't wear any makeup, it feels too thick on my face.
48. I have to have music on when I am in the shower. The silence drives me crazy.
49. I played the clarinet in junior high, I wish I didn't quit.
50. I have always wanted to play the piano but my piano teacher moved :(
51. When I was little, like 5, I remember being mad that men could take off their shirts outside but I could not.