Thursday, March 31, 2011

Last Day of March

Today is the last day of March and I am pretty shocked that this year has gone by so fast. In this last month I have been cleared from my neurologist to go back to work... (now to just find a job) I have been cleared of surgery, MRI's came out clear and I have been able to take care of alot of personal things that have been hanging in the balance. I feel alot better and I hope all the work I have put into everything will pay off.
In the month of March my hubby and I also celebrated our 7th anniversary. It was wonderful. I should have posted about it earlier, but getting all my appointments taken care of and everything calming down has taken time. In my little girl dreams I was going to have two sets of twins (so I only had to be pregnant twice) and I never thought I would have to go through everything I have gone through, but my little ty ty has made all the physical trials worth it and I am happy that I have my cute little family and we are continuing to get better. Karl is going through college now and he is AMAZING at it!!! He will probably never tell you, so I will HE IS SO SMART!!! I love you Karl!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday I had a follow up appointment with my neurologist and she told me that I am not having peti malt seizures...thats awesome!!! Only the big ones are cause for concern and that was back in January. So I have also heard back from the neurosurgeon and she said that there was no reason for surgery.The scar tissue from the brain abscess is not blocking the fluid from leaving my brain. I do have more fluid in my brain but that is only because that is where the brain abscess was and the fluid is filling in that space.
I do not have to go into see the neurologist for two months, just for a check up, so that is nice that my appointments are going to be slowing down. I have less than four months left of not driving YAY! Karl will be happy with that when my sentence is done.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My posts have been weird

Tomorrow I go in for my last (cross my fingers) MRI. This one will most likely determine if I am going to have brain surgery or not. There have been alot of other things going on but doctor appointments have definitely been keeping my days busy. My mind has been quite jumbled. I have alot to be thankful for. I have alot of things to work on. I wish I could be the best person for everyone but at times I fail. I have internalized alot of things lately and done alot of thinking and in the end its still all in my head. Thanks for taking time to read this :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What is going on?

Anyone want to let me know?