Sunday, March 30, 2008


What a great picture. I love my little family. This picture was taken a week before Easter and I just haven't had time to put it up. Tyler makes me look good in any picture.
We have had snow off and on this week and it has been very pretty to look at but I don't have the excitement I had when I was younger. I remember when I was little I would pray that it would magically snow over night and we would miss school. I still miss work when it snows but I am less interested in playing in it and going outside when its falling.
I lost a pound this week. Thats the first time in a few weeks the number went down. I do feel the need to lose weight but I think I have been Karl's cheerleader more than anything lately. There are a few girls at work who do the weight loss together, but I just haven't worked out like I used to.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Twenty pounds!!!!

I am so happy. I have lost 21 lbs since January. It doesn't feel like it yet but I know that my pants are alittle looser and my appetite is shrinking. Its alot easier for me this time, losing weight, but then I know how I cheated before so it also makes it harder. I need to completely cut out chocolate and soda but its alot harder than it seems.

Pictures like these where my son is so adorable and I look pregnant, are very frustrating. Hopefully I can get rid of that big belly and look half way decent again.