Tuesday, March 31, 2009

weight loss up date

I weighed in today and according to my home scale I lost 7 lbs. According to my work scale says I lost 9 lbs. I am going with my home scale. For my first week I kicked trash. It was the easiest start to a diet that I have had so far.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tomorrow... tomorrow I'll love me tomorrow

Tomorrow is my first weigh in of this weight loss round. There have been days where I thought that I would never get myself motivated to do this again and this week has been so easy! I wanted to work on the food portion first, because that was what was holding me back, oh so many times. Then this weekend I bought my own step aerobics stepper and dvd set. (Its only $30.00 at walmart.) I did the workout it came with. That will take time for me.
Oh yeah another little scary secret. Not many of you will believe this, or at least, I hope, not all of you. When I had my baby shower on September 15, 2007 Superwoman measured my belly and I still have the roll of material here. Well this weekend I wanted to compare where I was at. Karl asked me first if I was sure I wanted to do that, I did it and I am just about the same size as I was on the day of my baby shower. Don't worry about me now. I wasn't too shocked. I know that I plumped up after I had Tyler. It was more of a motivation for me to lose the weight again.
My other HUGE problem is that I like to weigh myself everyday. I know I have lost but I am not going to officially post it until I weigh myself in the morning.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sooooo, I quit the gym I was at. I wasn't commited enough to go there on a regular basis. I know the talks I had with people I know it was important and I know it would be a good example for Tyler for me to go but I felt so guilty going for the cost and not being with Tyler. My calling at church keeps me busy enough right now and when I would go to the gym I felt like I was dragging myself away from Tyler.

I have also been sick more this month than I have since my tumor. It started out with strep throat and then I had a bad tooth pulled. The meds didn't work the first round from my tooth so I got a new prescription. Then as a result of being on antibiotics for about a month, I have been fighting the effects of taking those pills. It has NOT been fun. I got a call today from Superwoman and she asked me if I needed a blessing and of course the tears came falling. Superman and my home teacher came out and gave me a blessing. Now that I have drank 64 ounces of cranberry juice. Taken my pills for my tooth (tomorrow is my last day!) and took tylenol and another pill for pain I feel like I am going to pass out. I HATE being on drugs.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I am ready for my close up

This is courtesy of Booga. She took this picture and thought that she was so cool. I am still struggling with the weight thing. I told Karl I was going to cut out soda and chocolate but I thought about it today and I can't do both at the same time so I am going to cut out chocolate and slow down on the soda intake. I know that I have said this before and I feel like a broken record and I feel like I am not getting anywhere but I will get there.
On another note. I have been worried about what was going to happen at work. There were a possibilities for change and just did not feel right about it. My boss said that she was ok with how things are for me right now and that if there were anymore changes, it would make it more stressful for more than just myself. I am totally ok with this.
This is a picture that was taken at our reception. It will be 5 years this Friday. I can't believe it. Karl has put up with my drama and has loved me despite of my imperfections. I am so lucky. I love you babe.