Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday I had a follow up appointment with my neurologist and she told me that I am not having peti malt seizures...thats awesome!!! Only the big ones are cause for concern and that was back in January. So I have also heard back from the neurosurgeon and she said that there was no reason for surgery.The scar tissue from the brain abscess is not blocking the fluid from leaving my brain. I do have more fluid in my brain but that is only because that is where the brain abscess was and the fluid is filling in that space.
I do not have to go into see the neurologist for two months, just for a check up, so that is nice that my appointments are going to be slowing down. I have less than four months left of not driving YAY! Karl will be happy with that when my sentence is done.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

SO glad to hear that you have been getting some good news! Hugs to you.