Thursday, February 18, 2010

My pooper dog Riley

He was there when I came home from my mission.
He always wanted a belly rub.
He loved to do tricks for treats.
He loved to be on anyones bed.
He loved all the kids who came over to my parents house.
I got to be with him last night.
I told him I loved him and he was loved by everyone.
At about 10:30 last night he closed his eyes for the last time.
Rest you eyes Riley, it will be ok.


Rachel said...

It's always sad to lose a good animal friends. Just think of Riley in doggy heaven chasing stuff and chewing up anything he wants.

Rachael said...

I'm sorry Aimee!!

Elizabeth said...

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Riley passed. He was a sweet dog and good to evreyone.