Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Membership

Karl and I have been discussing memberships at a gym for the last few months and with our tax return we just got I was able to sign up for a gym and I am glad I have some where I can go to. The place here is ok except they have to close early Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. That makes it hard on me to only workout wed, thur, friday nights and Saturdays. So I got my membership at Mieko's. Its smaller than the more lavish gyms but it will serve its purpose. Yeah for me!


Rachael said...

That's cool! Everyone I know has joined a gym. I wish we could afford one. Not the time I guess. I would love to take classes. You'll have to tell me if you like it there.

Parkin Family said...

I'm jealous! THat's great that you are able to go though. Good luck and Enjoy yourself! I love that feeling after you exercise. I can't wait till warmer weather so Sydney and I can go walking again.

Becca said...

Congrats on joining the gym Aimee! I'm looking forward to our conversations about it! BTW, on a sidenote, I know what you're saying about the fancy/non-fancy gyms. Mine is SO not fancy and it's perfect!